// server4education shares private static function getS4eShares() { $shares = array(); $fp = @fopen("/srv/www/htdocs/".OC::$WEBROOT."/config/s4eshares.config", "r"); while($line = fgets($fp, 1024)) { $line = trim($line); if($line != "") $shares[] = $line; } fclose($fp); return $shares; } /** * Check if the user is logged in, redirects to home if not */ public static function checkLoggedIn(){ // Check if we are a user if( !OC_User::isLoggedIn()){ header( 'Location: '.OC_Helper::linkTo( '', 'index.php' , true)); exit(); } } /*** server4education ***/ /** * Check if home folder is mounted, mount if not */ public static function checkHomeMounted(){ // Check if home folder is mounted if (!OC_Filesystem::is_dir('/Home')) { OC_Filesystem::mkdir('/Home'); } exec("sudo /usr/local/bin/mounthome ".OC_User::getUser()." ".$_SESSION['user_password']); #exec("sudo mount | grep \"on /srv/www/htdocs/owncloud/data/".OC_User::getUser()."/files/Home type\"; if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then sudo mount //localhost/".OC_User::getUser()." /srv/www/htdocs/".OC::$WEBROOT."/data/".OC_User::getUser()."/files/Home -o user=".OC_User::getUser().",pass=".$_SESSION['user_password'].",uid=wwwrun,gid=www; fi"); foreach(self::getS4eShares() as $share) { if (!OC_Filesystem::is_dir('/'.$share)) { OC_Filesystem::mkdir('/'.$share); } exec("sudo /usr/local/bin/mountshare ".OC_User::getUser()." ".$_SESSION['user_password']." ".$share); # exec("mount | grep \"on /srv/www/htdocs/".OC::$WEBROOT."/data/".OC_User::getUser()."/files/".$share." type\" > /dev/null; if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then sudo mount //localhost/".$share." /srv/www/htdocs/".OC::$WEBROOT."/data/".OC_User::getUser()."/files/".$share." -o user=".OC_User::getUser().",pass=".$_SESSION['user_password'].",uid=wwwrun,gid=www; fi"); } exec("logger \"".OC_User::getUser()." - cloud4education ".`date +%s`."\""); } /*** server4education ***/