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d4e - Software


zypper in OpenOffice_org-openclipart

Das Österreichische Bildungssystem
Die Unterteilung erfolgt nach der ISCED (International Standard Classificaton of Education) Klassifizierung der UNESCO.

Primarstufe p 6-10
Sekundarstufe I s1 10-14
Sekundarstufe II s2 15-19
Primarstufe + Sekundarstufe I ps1 6-14
Sekundarstufe I + II s1s2 10-19
Alle Schulen ps1s2 6-19
Neue Software für d4e 2012
MEDUSA4 -LinkProfessionelle CAD-Software für LinuxOberstufe, HTL
python-idle - Integrated development environment for Python AHS, HTL
dia - Zeichnen strukturierter Diagramme ALL
Software für d4e
AdobeReader + Link PDF Betrachter ALL
Audacity +p openSUSE A Free, Cross-Platform Digital Audio Editor ALL
Avogadro + openSUSE molecular editor Oberstufe
Blender +p openSUSE 3D Animation and Rendering Software ALL
BlockCAD-rpm bauen! → Alternative: LeoCAD- Link BlockCAD is a freeware program for building virtual models with Lego-like bricks. APS
Bluefish + openSUSE HTML, XML, PHP EditorOberstufe
Canorus +p openSUSE NoteneditorALL
Childsplay + openSUSE LernspieleAPS
dinotrace + openSUSE Waveform viewerHTL
drgeo + openSUSE Interactive Geometry Program Oberstufe
drgeo-lang + openSUSE Sprachpaket Oberstufe
Eclispe + openSUSE Eclipse Platform and Java IDE Oberstufe
emacs + openSUSE Mächtiger Texteditor ALL
ffmpeg +p Packman Videoconverter, -streamerALL
Firefox +p openSUSE WebbrowserALL
Flashplayer + openSUSE Flashplayer (Lizenz ?)ALL
freewrl +p Link FreeWRL is a VRML client ALL
GCompris + openSUSE Education GCompris is an educational software suite comprising of numerous activities for children aged 2 to 10.APS
geda + openSUSE Science GPL Electronic Design AutomationHTL
gElemental+p openSUSE Education Periodensystem ALL
gnucap +LinkGnucap is the Gnu Circuit Analysis PackageHTL
Geogebra Installationsanleitung-pLink GeoGebra ist eine dynamische Mathematiksoftware ALL
gerbv +LinkOpen Source Gerber ViewerHTL
gspiceui +LinkSchaltkreissimulator GNU-cap, NG-SpiceHTL
Gimp +p Link The GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a powerful image composition and editing program ALL
GnuCash + Link GnuCash ist eine freie OpenSource-FinanzverwaltungHAK
gstreamer - MP3-Plugins +p openSUSEgstreamer-0_10-plugins-ugly gstreamer-0_10-plugins-badALL
gThumb +p Link gThumb lets you browse your hard disk, showing you thumbnails of image files, printing ALL
GTKWave +LinkGTK+ based waveform viewerHTL
Inkscape +p Link Inkscape is a vector illustration program for the GNOME desktop ALL
iTalc 0 Link iTALC is a powerful software for Linux-networks - Konfigurieren! ALL
Java Plugin +p openSUSE Java Plugin java-1_5_0 java-1_5_0-pluginALL
JClic -JCLIC Interaktive Clic Übungen erstellen und über Internet ausführen - MoodleALL
k3dsurf + openSUSE Zeichnet Funktionen mit mehreren Variablen Oberstufe
KDE Education + Link The KDE Education ProjectAPS
kicad +LinkFreies CAD-Programm zur Erstellung von LeiterplattenHTL
Kino+p Link Kino Video-EditorALL
Kdenlive+p Link Kdenlive is a non linear video editor - 0.7.1ALL
Kile + openSUSE Oberstufe
Kompozer - openSUSE Education Web-Editor langpacks ALL
LabPlot + openSUSE Alternative zu Origin zum Auswerten von Daten Oberstufe
Lightworks -Advanced Editing Software Profi-Videoeditor ALL
LMMS -PackMan Linux MultiMedia Studio ALL
Lyx + Link Oberstufe
LaTeX + Link A document preparation system Oberstufe
Linuxbuch rpm bauen und Verknüpfung am Desktop-Link Linuxbuch - Get Ready for Open SourceALL
Littlewizard + openSUSEEntwicklungsumgebung für KinderAPS
LiVES +Link LiVES (LiVES Video Editing System) ist ein freies, nichtlineares VideobearbeitungsprogrammAPS
MultiplcationStation +openSUSE Übungsprogramm für GrudrechnungsartenAPS
Musik-Lernsoftware rpm bauen!- Link
MPlayer 0 Packman Musikplayer. Mit in Add-On, wird aber nicht installiert -
NVU-KompoZer geht im Moment nicht!+ Link A complete Web authoring system for Linux Desktop users ALL
Octave + qtoctave + Link GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computationsOberstufe -p openSUSE Extras installieren! Oxygen Office Erweiterungen? Das offizielle Vorlagenpaket ALL
oregano +LinkSchematic capture and Circuit simulatorHTL
QCad +p Link QCad (community edition) is a free, open-source 2D CAD system ALL
qucs +LinkIntegrated circuit simulatorHTL
qtiplot + Link QtiPlot is a program for scientific data visualizing. Oberstufe
R + Link Statistikproogramm Oberstufe
recordmydesktop +p Packman Speichert deALL
Scribus + Link Scribus is a desktop open source page layout program Oberstufe
selfhtml, selflinux, selfphp +openSUSE Education Ausgezeichnete Hilfen zu HTML, Linux und PHPALL
SeaMonkey + openSUSE Webbrowser + Composer (ähnlich nvu) ALL
Stellarium +p Link It renders 3D photo-realistic skies in real time ALL
TeXmacs + Link A Structured WYSIWYG Scientific Text Editor Oberstufe
Tim & Bubu rpm bauen!- Link APS
Traverso- APS
Tuxmath +Link An educational math tutorial game starring Tux, the Linux Penguin APS
TuxMathScrabble + TuxMathScrabble is a math version of the classic word game "Scrabble" APS
Tuxpaint + Link Tux Paint" is a drawing program for young children APS
Tuxtype + Link Tux Typing is an educational typing tutor game starring Tux, the Linux penguin APS
VLC +p LinkVideo Player + Firefox PluginALL
VYM +popenSUSE MindmanagerALL
Wine +p Link An MS Windows emulator, consisting of both runtime and also source compatibility functions ALL
wxMaxima + Link wxMaxima is a cross platform GUI for the computer algebra system maxima Oberstufe
XLogo +popenSUSE Logo interpreterALL
Zhu3D+LinkZhu3D is an interactive mathematical function viewerOberstufe

Abhängikeiten auflösen
2009_d4e_software.1304927157.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2011/05/09 09:45 von admin