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Mantis – Wikipedia
Bug 666450 – smbd crash on start, cannot opnen secrets.tdb :: MySQL migration: MyISAM to InnoDB
The MySQL database is unique in that it offers multiple storage engines. The SQL parser and front end interfaces are separate from the storage engines, so you can choose among nine low-level table formats the one that suits your application best. I recently needed to convert a production application from the default indexed sequential format, MyISAM, to InnoDB. Here's my no-hassle guide to performing the conversion.
Problems with MySQL 5.5.8 and viewing assignments - Moodle Tracker
PHP.INI settings: Disable exec, shell_exec, system, popen and Other Functions To Improve Security
amavis: (!)_die: suicide in child_init_hook: bdb no dbs: unknown locker id - Google-Suche
openSUSE:Most annoying bugs 11.4 - openSUSE

bugs.1307270360.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2011/06/05 12:39 von admin