

Maturaball: Etiketten für Garderobe

  • LibreOffice Writer
    • Neu → Etiketten
    • Für Avery Zweckform 4731
      • Horiz. Abstand: 2,79 cm
      • Vert. Abstand: 1,00 cm
      • Breite: 2,54 cm
      • Höhe: 1,00 cm
      • Rand links: 0,85 cm
      • Rand oben: 0,70 cm
      • Spalten: 7
      • Zeilen: 27
    • 1. Feld: Einfügen > Feldbefehl > Andere…
      • Variable > Variable setzen
      • Name: flo
      • Wert: flo +1
    • Synchronisieren
    • Bei Druck: PDF exportieren. In Adobe Druckbereich auf "ohne" stellen.

Level 2 Überschrift


Unterrichtsmaterialien zum ECDL

Installation von (offizielle Novell/openSUSE Version)

zypper update openoffice_org

Installation von (original Version)

* zypper rm openoffice_org oder mit YaST2 -> deinstallieren
* tar xzvf OOo_3.1.0_LinuxIntel_install_de.tar.gz
* cd OOO320_m18_native_packed-1_de.9502/RPMS
* rpm -Uhv *.rpm
* cd desktop-integration/
* rpm -Uhv openoffice.org3.2-suse-menus-3.2-9502.noarch.rpm


  • ods - Tabelle importieren
    • mit "Copy&Paste" - also: Tabelle in Excel oder Calc markieren, - kopieren.
    • In Base-Datei wechseln, dort in den Bereich "Tabellen" gehen, Bearbeiten - Einfügen. Es öffnet sich ein Assistent - Primärschlüssel erstellen


    * Microsoft Excel*:  Compatibility: Added support for multiple formula syntax for cell and cell range addresses and formula expressions: Calc A1 - the traditional format (default), Excel A1, and Excel R1C1. Text numbers and dates are interpreted as numbers or dates when appropriate, similar to how Excel interprets text as numbers or dates. Novell Edition allows toggling of cell grid lines per sheet. Also supports: user-defined tab colors, PHONETIC function support for Japanese phonetic guides, showing/hiding data from hidden rows in charts, correct rendering of charts with mixed chart types, Excel export encryption, document and sheet protection password &  limited sheet protection options, external range names, and many details of the Calc user interface have been tweaked to make migration from Excel to easier.
    * Excel VBA Macro Interoperability: Novell Edition eases the migration of many macros from Microsoft Excel. Although not all macros can be successfully migrated, this interoperability offers more than the standard edition, which does not support migration of macros.
    * Data Pilots: Data Pilots are interoperable with Microsoft Office PivotTables*. Novell Edition substantially improves the Data Pilot feature, making it possible to edit pilots after creation, allowing to assign custom field names, field members names, subtotal and grand total names, showing popup window for quick editing of show/hide field members, and defaulting to a new sheet for new tables.
    * Enhanced Fonts: Licensed fonts from Agfa* Monotype* which are metrically identical and visually compatible with some of the key Microsoft fonts. This allows Novell Edition to match fonts when opening documents originally composed in Microsoft Office, and very closely match pagination and page formatting.
    * OpenXML Support: The abbility to export the Microsoft Office 2007 file formats. Also many improvments of the import.
    * EMF+Support: The ability to render EMF+ formatted graphics.
    * SVG Support: The ability to import scalable vector graphics.
    * Import File Formats: Microsoft Works, WordPerfect* text and graphics, T602 files, and more.
    * Groupwise® Novell Edition includes improved integration with ODMA (Open Document Management Architecture) services, for example for GroupWise. If you have the GroupWise client installed on the machine, Novell Edition will offer to open documents from GroupWise, or save documents in GroupWise.

JODConverter, the Java OpenDocument Converter

soffice -headless -accept="socket,port=8100;urp;"

cd jodconverter-2.2.2
java -jar lib/jodconverter-cli-2.2.2.jar /media/KINGSTON/AV-Anger-Stubai-2009.ppt /root/Desktop/av.odp

Sun ODF Plugin for Microsoft Office


  • Endlosschleife:
    • Bildschirmpräsentation ⇒ Folienübergang ⇒ Nächste Folie: Automatisch nach: 3sek
    • Bildschirmpräsentation ⇒ Bildschirmpräsentationseinstellungen… ⇒ Art: (x) Auto 00:00:00
  • Bilder komprimieren
    • oracle-presentation-minimizer.oxt · Zuletzt geändert: 2011/12/16 10:36 von admin