


openSUSE Conference Prag 2012

20. - 23. Oktober 2012

Call for paper

Speaker Markus Fleck, Matthias Praunegger, Helmuth Peer
About Peer OStR Mag. Helmuth Peer is a teacher for maths, information technology and sports at Bundesgymnasium und Bundesrealgymnasium Weiz, Austria. Since 2003 he has been developing the desktop4education and server4education for the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education together with the students Markus Fleck, Matthias Praunegger and Stefan Reisinger. This schoolserver (server4education) und client (desktop4educaton), which are installed in a lot of Austrian schools already, are based on free software.
About Praunegger sbox.bgweiz.at_pr_2010_praunegger.jpgMatthias Praunegger is studying technical physics at Graz University of Technology. Since the beginning of the project desktop4education and server4education he has been responsible for the technical implementing and continuous development. Furthermore he is developing and maintaining the entire schoolnetwork at Bundesgymnasium and Bundesrealgymnasium Weiz together with Mag. Helmuth Peer. He is the owner of the company Praunegger IT and shareholder of the company ping solutions (
About Fleck peer.st_downloads_fotos_d4e_fleck2012_480x640.jpgMarkus Fleck, student of Technical Physics at Graz University of Technology, currently living and working in Weiz. Part of the initial desktop4educaton development team and ongoing supporter. Linux and Suse experience since nine years. Additional experience in Mac OS since 3 years.


desktop4education and server4education - a free client and server network solution for education


desktop4education and server4education

The development is supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education.

Client: desktop4education

free workstation for students based on openSUSE 12.2 using FOSS

Desktop for elementary schools up to secondary schools

A lot of free education-software (LibreOffice, Gimp, Inkscape, Audacity, OpenShot, GeoGebra, wxMaxima, Tipp10, Eclipse, Python, …)

Simple installation from DVD, PXE

Server: server4education

Free server for schools based on openSUSE 12.2

Fully qualified domain controller for Windows- and Linux-Clients

We have developed new YAST Modules

  • server4education management
  • user and group management
  • network-share management
  • client management


Using Vlizedlab and virtual machines from (desktop4education, Windows XP, Windows 7) on the client for higher flexibility


integration from ownCloud into the server4education

the students can easily connect to their files and calendars at school with a browser or with their mobile devices.

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