Focus on OpenSource parts of the Linux product lines tightly cooperating with: R&D, QA, NTS , Maintenance
Buffer overflews Format string problems Integer overflows (Buffer overflows strike back)
Last years
vKernel Problems
This year
Audit security relevant packages network an system daemons, setuid binaries desig of new things like D-BUS Services, PolicyKit other security critical packages Deploy automated measures Develop new technologies Educate write papers hold lectures on security topics
Overflow checking / mitigation::
D_FORTIFY_SOUCE=2 fstack-protector heap stricture validation manling of pointers that live in dangerous areas randomizing address space
Automated code checking
Annoying gcc warnings##No SELinux here (yet)
nice idea and formal approach too complicated to setup for bith user an admin
access restrictions on application level confines file access, capabilities, program starts glebbing and wildcards
e releases + 2 months supported, gest security and critical bugfixes released every 8 months 2. 3 active at every time
SUSE Linux Enterprise
7 years regular maintenance (longer life planned) longer release cycles (2 years + approx) currently:
SUSE Studio SMT Appliance Toolkit
openSUSE Buildservice
'Getting knowledge of security problem
Package maintainer work
Creating the patch set
QA for SUSE Linux Enterprise
QA for openSUSE
Release waits for
On approval
Security Updates: 485
Totlo security incidents (CVEs): 1141