#!/bin/sh zypper lr | grep -e addon -e dvd | cut -d\| -f1 | xargs zypper rr zypper ar --refresh -r http://download.opensuse.org/evergreen/11.1/openSUSE:Evergreen:11.1.repo zypper --no-gpg-checks ref zypper -n --no-gpg-checks up java*
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ldap_admin | Matthias | + |
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/usr/bin/perl /usr/share/sax/init.pl --quiet no -c 0 -b nobus
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1
gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor/
### d4e ####
AHS - Jahresbericht der Abteilung - Landesschulrat Steiermark
Calculate Linux Desktop (CLD)
Free Open Source Thin Client Solution
How To : Samba PDC+OpenLDAP on openSUSE/SLES Part 1
List of Linux audio software
### SLED ###
Installing the Latest (As of Oct 2005) FreeNX Server on Novell Linux products
Novell Linux Client Tricks
SLED Integration into Active Directory
### smbldap-tools ###
Index of /smbldap-tools/packages
How to setup a Samba PDC with LDAP on openSuSE 10.2
Howto setup SUSE 10.1 as Samba PDC
### pam_script ###
How to setup Novell Client for Linux Single Sign-on for SLED 10.0
HOWTO execute scripts at begin and end of a usersession using PAM with examples